2019年10月12日 星期六

消失的初中、高中;E. E. CUMMINGS的作品,幾乎無法翻譯?

Susan Cheever was born in New York City on this day in 1943.

"Although in the 1950s and ’60s Cummings was one of the most popular poets in America, he sometimes didn’t make enough money to pay the rent on the ramshackle apartment in Greenwich Village on Patchin Place where he lived with the incandescently beautiful model Marion Morehouse. This bothered Cummings not at all. He was delighted by almost everything in life except for the institutions and formal rules that he believed sought to deaden feelings. “Guilt is the cause of more disauders / than history’s most obscene marorders,” Cummings wrote."—from E.E CUMMINGS: A Life (2015) by Susan Cheever

E. E. CUMMINGS的作品,幾乎無法翻譯?

“雖然在1950年代和60年代,卡明斯是美國最受歡迎的詩人之一,但有時他賺不到足夠的錢來支付Patchin Place格林威治村搖搖欲墜的公寓的租金,在那裡他與白熾漂亮的模特馬里昂(Marion)住在一起 Morehouse。這一點根本沒有打擾卡明斯。他對生活中的幾乎所有事物都感到高興,除了他認為試圖消沉感情的製度和正式規則。“內is是造成更多聽眾的原因,而不是歷史上最淫穢的邊境,”卡明斯寫道 ”。摘自Susan Cheever撰寫的EE CUMMINGS:A Life(2015)
マローダー (Marauder) とは、英語で「略奪者」・「襲撃者」などを意味する語。

