2019年10月31日 星期四
2019年10月29日 星期二
The Bahá'í Faith「巴哈伊信仰」不採取「大同教」
How much do you know about the Baha’i faith? Today marks the bicentenary of the birth of the Bab, the forerunner who paved the way for the religion. Explore his works, on show for the first time in our #BLTreasures Gallery #DiscoveringSacredTexts #Bahai ow.ly/VwLE50wW9tQ
(Image reference : Shelfmark Or 6887)
The Bahá'í Faith (/bəˈhɑːiː, -ˈhaɪ/; Persian: بهائی Bahā'i) is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people,[1] culminating in the emergence of peace and the coming of age of the entire human race.[2][3][4] The gradual consummation[5] of which to include the establishment of a new world order[6] and a world commonwealth[7]; where recognition of the Bahá'í Faith as the State Religion, "must be a supremely voluntary and democratic process."[8][9] Established by Bahá'u'lláh in 1863, it initially grew in Persia and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception.[10] It is estimated to have between 5 and 8 million adherents, known as Bahá'ís, spread throughout most of the world's countries and territories.[11]
2019年10月28日 星期一
Acts 27:17
New American Standard Bible
After they had hoisted it up, they used supporting cables in undergirding the ship; and fearing that they might run aground on the shallows of Syrtis, they let down the sea anchor and in this way let themselves be driven along.
New King James Version
When they had taken it on board, they used cables to undergird the ship; and fearing lest they should run aground on the Syrtis Sands, they struck sail and so were driven.
King James Bible
Which when they had taken up, they used helps, undergirding the ship; and, fearing lest they should fall into the quicksands, strake sail, and so were driven.
2019年10月27日 星期日
portrayed both the tragic and the ridiculous with aplomb
On this day 250 years ago William Hogarth, the English painter and printmaker, died suddenly from an aneurysm at his studio in Leicester Square, London. As an artist who portrayed both the tragic and the ridiculous with aplomb, Hogarth was one of the eighteenth century's most sparkling talents
Google 翻譯
250年前的這一天,英國畫家和版畫家威廉·霍加斯(William Hogarth)在倫敦萊斯特廣場的工作室突然死於動脈瘤。 霍加斯是一位描寫悲劇與荒謬的藝術家*,他是18世紀最耀眼的才華之一。
*沒將 with aplomb 沉著 翻譯出
2019年10月26日 星期六
Gabriel García Márquez 談Gregory Rabassa 的翻譯
Gregory Rabassa, ComM (March 9, 1922 – June 13, 2016), was an American literary translator from Spanish and Portuguese to English. He taught for many years at Columbia University and Queens College.[1]
He wrote a memoir of his experiences as a translator, If This Be Treason: Translation and Its Dyscontents, A Memoir, which was a Los Angeles Times "Favorite Book of the Year" for 2005 and for which he received the PEN/Martha Albrand Award for the Art of the Memoir in 2006
- Gabriel García Márquez
- One Hundred Years of Solitude 1970 (Cien años de soledad)
- The Autumn of the Patriarch 1976 (El otoño del patriarca), for which he received the Pen Translation Prize.
- Chronicle of a Death Foretold 1982 (Crónica de una muerte anunciada)
- Leaf Storm (La hojarasca)

2019年10月23日 星期三
"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.46:West Point 、黑頭角(Blackhead Point)等等
"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.46, 2008年3月17日; 2008/1/28 創刊
No.46, 2008年3月17日; 2008/1/28 創刊
「A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once in old age as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight. 」
If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade.
「如果門不開,從窗口爬進去。如果窗口關著,想辦法從地下室穿過。如果地下室鎖住,就爬上屋頂,看看是不是可以從煙囪下去。只要你們肯試,總是有路的。」 p.144
West Point: the US Military Academy was established; it was only in 1976 that women were finally admitted (1802) “西點軍校”( 誤譯)為正式名稱US Military Academy
West Point(after the scenic town in the Hudson River Valley where it is located,point應該是(PIECE OF LAND a long thin area of land that stretches out into the sea: 如Spurn Point -- 參觀 Wikipedia article "United States Military Academy". 圖片 ))
ウェスト・ポイント ((New York州南東部の軍用地;米国陸軍士官学校(U.S.
訊號山(英語:Signal Hill),又名黑頭角(Blackhead Point)和大包米,原是一處位於香港九龍尖沙咀岸邊的海角。
2019年10月20日 星期日
難譯: An Outline of European Architecture By N. Pevsner (p.378, 1964)
建築史的翻譯很難。An Outline of European Architecture By N. Pevsner (p.378, 1964) 這談英國 John Nash (1752~1838) 的部份,被Jencks 的 The Language of Post-Modern Architecture (1977) 引用,更不巧的是,引用物將 dairy 誤打成 diary,原本談其Blaise Hamlet (聯建築史的翻譯很難。An Outline of European Architecture By N. Pevsner (p.378, 1964) 這談英國 John Nash (1752~1838) 的部份,被Jencks 的 The Language of Post-Modern Architecture (1977,以後至少到第6版,一直錯......) 引用,更不巧的是,引用物將 dairy 誤打成 diary,原本談其Blaise Hamlet (聯想到1766年初版的The Vicar of Wakefield ,路易十六王后Marie Antoinette’s Hamlet : Petit Trianon 的製乳品小築,兩位英法畫家的村童歡顏等),英法建築美術文學等,都牽涉到......
台日 Twitter 外交:「台湾は大切な友人」安倍首相、蔡英文総統のツイッターに謝意。 Google 翻譯不認識蔡英文総統
2019.10.18 11:29政治政策
安倍晉三首相前往官邸= 18日上午,首相官邸(照片在榛名拍攝)
安倍晉三首相前往官邸= 18日上午,首相官邸(照片在榛名拍攝)
4月18日,安倍晉三首相回應了Twitter的信息,即台灣總統英秀文武對19號颱風和對日本的支持表示同情。 ”,謝謝。他還強調“台灣是我們分享基本價值觀的重要夥伴和重要朋友”。
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