錦坤兄來訪。他跟我介紹原始佛學中,熟食化緣與婆羅門的差異。 我想起自己還沒研究的 Le Cru et le Cuit 及其他......
The Raw and the Cooked (1964) is the first volume from Mythologiques, a structural study of Amerindian mythology written by French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss. It was originally published in French as Le Cru et le Cuit.[1]
The English translation of the title Le Cru et le Cuit is not incorrect, but it is perhaps incomplete. "Cuit" in French does not necessarily mean "cooked", but is also used to denote "done" or "prepared", which is not necessarily obtained by cooking. In this case, Strauss' use of cuit implies what culture and society do to the raw and make it 'done' or 'cooked'. ~https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Raw_and_the_Cooked
《神話學 I-IV》 Mythologiques I-IV (trans. John Weightman and Doreen Weightman)
- 《生食和熟食》 Le Cru et le cuit (1964, The Raw and the Cooked, 1969)
- 《從蜂蜜到菸灰》 Du miel aux cendres (1966, From Honey to Ashes, 1973)
- 《餐桌禮儀的起源》 L'Origine des manières de table, 1968, The Origin of Table Manners, 1978
- 《裸人》 L'Homme nu (1971, The Naked Man, 1981)
藉由結合草食動物與掠食動物的特徵,烏鴉與土狼在某種程度上協調了草食動物與掠食動物:換言之,他們調解介於草食動物及掠食動物之間的對立。我們看到了這個對立是最終類似於在生與死的對立。 因此,烏鴉與土狼最終調解生與死的對立。李維史陀認為,這一點解釋了為何當烏鴉與土狼現身為神話上的騙子時,具有一種矛盾性格: