2017年6月22日 星期四

Lust for Life 與「生之慾」?William Weaver英譯 Italo Calvino 注意文韻、文氣?

“With Italo Calvino, every comma and sound has an importance, and it isn’t only a question of getting the words right. It’s a question of not spoiling the rhythm, of getting the cadences and the tone exactly right.” —William Weaver

Interviewed by Willard Spiegelman.

有一天,劉老師問我:「你知不知道今天是什麼日子?」原來當天是我的生日,老師贈送我一份生日禮物,是余光中翻譯的《梵谷傳》,原文書名是Lust for Life,意為「生之慾」----黃春明

 Lust for Life 翻譯成「生之慾」,有點奇怪,中文表達笨拙。日本的片名似乎翻譯成:華麗なる激情;後來的版本都改成【梵谷傳】。


  • 1Have strong sexual desire for someone.
    ‘he really lusted after me in those days’
    1. 1.1 Have a strong desire for something.
      ‘pregnant women lusting for pickles and ice cream’

To have an intense or obsessive desire, especially one that is sexual.

[Middle English, from Old English, desire.]

  1. 1(…への)性欲,肉欲,情欲,淫欲いんよく((forof ...))
  2. 2(権勢などへの)抑えがたい欲望,渇望((forof ...))
  3. 3(…への)熱意,強い興味(zest,relish)((forof ...)).
  4. 4((廃))
  5. (1)喜び,楽しさ.
  6. (2)欲求;傾向,好み;願望.
  7. (3)(植物などの)活力,生気,成長力;(土地の)肥沃ひよく.
  8. 5〔聖書〕 〔神学〕 欲,煩悩
━━ [自動詞]
  1. 1(女性に対し)性欲が旺盛おうせいである[強い],肉欲に燃える((afterfor ...));〔聖書〕 煩悩に身を焦がす.
  2. 2(権力・富などを)切望する,渇望する((forafter ...))
    • The fruits thy soul lusted after are departed from thee.
    • お前の望んでやまない果物は,お前から遠のいて行く.〈〔聖書〕 Rev.18:14〉
900年以前. 中期英語 luste,古期英語 lust; ドイツ語 lust「愉快,欲望」と同語源;→LIST4

Lust for Life
This filmed biography of Vincent Van Gogh was adapted by Norman Corwin from the best-selling novel by Irving Stone, which was in turn inspired by the written correspondence between Van Gogh and his brother Theo. Kirk Douglas plays the tormented genius, whose obsessive devotion to his art engulfs, consumes, and finally destroys him. James Donald costars as Theo Van Gogh, who provides financial and moral support to his brother from the time Vincent leaves his Holland home in 1878 to his death in Auvers in 1890. Anthony Quinn won an Oscar for his eight-minute turn as Van Gogh's fast friend and erstwhile rival Paul Gaugin. Nearly 200 of Van Gogh's original paintings were borrowed from private collections for brief display in the film: some are "recreated" before our eyes, as the artist stands before his easel, spattered with paint and with a look of white-hot intensity burned into his countenance. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide
