- Hayao Miyazaki : "Kaze Tachinu" ("The Wind Has Ris...
- 宮崎駿的新電影《風起》探索了愛、責任與死亡,有人認為這是宮崎駿第一部給成年人看的動畫。劇情改編自二戰飛機製造者的真實故事,電影名稱則是出自瓦勒里(Paul Valéry)的詩作。而在電影中,風是災難的前兆,災難則是電影的核心之一。L'Insinuant by Paul Valéry 梵樂希, Paul Valéry, Andr...
- The title is a reference to a line from a Paul Valéry poem, "Le Cimetière marin" ("The Graveyard by the Sea" 海濱墓園): "The wind is rising!...We must try to live." The wind is a portent for the disasters that anchor the movie: the 1923 Kanto earthquake, which levelled much of Tokyo and Yokohama and killed more than 100,000 people; and Japan's disastrous imperial war, over a decade later.
天下的譯者偷懶: "The Graveyard by the Sea" 海濱墓園 是 Paul Valéry 最著名的詩作: 他的墓志銘---漢譯版本頗多.....