2017年11月26日 星期日

Kant’s Tombstone in Kaliningrad


Kant’s Tombstone in Kaliningrad

Kant’s tombstone near the cathedral of Kaliningrad (the former Prussian city of Königsberg) contains a famous passage from his Critique of Practical Reason in the original German. In English, it reads:
“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.”
via Wikimedia commons.

“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me. I do not seek or conjecture either of them as if they were veiled obscurities or extravagances beyond the horizon of my vision; I see them before me and connect them immediately with the consciousness of my existence.”

― Immanuel KantCritique of Practical Reason
