2017年5月27日 星期六

brain-inspired computing 是"腦啟發計算"嗎?

 brain-inspired computing 只是模糊的、籠統的說法,可能每個團隊界定都不同。廣義而言,過去60年的AI研究都屬此範疇。"仿腦計算"?

「事實是,」 舍基說,「與汽車工程不同,人工智慧會帶來意想不到的事物。這將使世界變得更加不可預測,這一點從來不是北京樂見的。」
“After AlphaGo came out and had such a big impact on the industry,” said Zha Hongbin, a professor of machine learning at Peking University, “the content of government discussions got much wider and more concrete.” Shortly afterward, the government created a new project on brain-inspired computing, he added.
For all the government support, advances in the field could ultimately backfire, Mr. Shirky said. Artificial intelligence may help China better censor the internet, a task that often blocks Chinese researchers from finding vital information. At the same time, better A.I. could make it easier for Chinese readers to translate articles and other information.
“The fact is,” Mr. Shirky said, “unlike automobile engineering, artificial intelligence will lead to surprises. That will make the world considerably less predictable, and that’s never been Beijing’s favorite characteristic.”

