總理, 總理, 總理, 總理的阿部氏, 誰被稱贊的批評美國和外國的國家, 是從米媒體, 這叫"lickspittle"等等.
新舊交替,慌亂在所難免,但川普一道道行政命令發布,激起過多疑慮憂驚。有傳媒把他這些命令形容為「臀部開槍(Shoot from the hip)」。
西部牛仔佩槍於腿旁近髖關節處,拔槍太快,還來不及舉到正常瞄準高度,在臀部高度就開槍,也不知能射到什麼。臀部開槍意即莽撞行事,做了再說。"把hip譯為"臀部"是常見的譯法,但這裡的英文是 "臀部的側面" 或 "大腿外側",中文一成不變譯為 "臀部" 便無法理解。事實上hip 還有個譯法是 "髀",字典上的解釋就是: 股部;大腿[hip]。
“Nothing in the nature around us is evil,” he wrote. “This needs to be repeated since one of the human ways of talking oneself into inhuman acts is to cite the supposed cruelty of nature.”
“The just-hatched cuckoo, still blind and featherless, has a special hollow like a dimple on its back,” he continued, “so that it can hump out of the nest, one by one, its companion fledglings.”
- 1臀部でんぶ,ヒップ(◆日本語の「尻しり」と違って大腿だいたい上部から胴のくびれにかけての側面の隆起の一方を指す),腰(haunch);((しばしば hips)) 腰回り(の寸法)
- a hip
- 腰に軽機関銃を構える.
shoot from the hip
- ((話)) 衝動的な言動を取る,考えなしに行動する(◆腰のベルトにつけたまま銃を撃つことから)
- Diplomats trained hip.
- 外交官は衝動的に行動しないよう訓練される.
shoot from the hip
phrase of shoot
- 1.informalreact without careful consideration of one's words or actions.
"he is shooting from the hip in an act of political desperation"