Umberto Eco《 玫瑰的名字》的新譯和詳注方式 (2014),開啟台灣書市對古今之經典,追求"從原來的語言,求原汁原味和文化的了解"之新局面。2015年,我們又有《 浮士德博士》,這些都是讀者有幸的事;當然,《浮士德博士》的內容和注解,對翻譯-注解者的要求更大得多 (2016年2月20,知道Eco 文豪仙逝,決定讀《 玫瑰的名字》新譯本,可作補記:這是不正確的說法,《 玫瑰的名字》也相當複雜....)。這兩本翻譯者和注解,都值得我們肯定。
倪安宇的新譯本: ......是上天給我的明確指示,告訴我"拿起來,閱讀吧。".....
Umberto Eco《 玫瑰的名字》( IL NOME DELLA ROSA) 倪安宇新譯/注,台北:皇冠,2014
Hanching Chung 我今天比較過義大利本 vs 英文版重譯,發現英文本經文等省略太多。天主教相關翻譯更完全不一樣。
Kuohsun Shih 太初有道神與道同在...神說要有光於是便有光這一段謝瑤玲似乎反而比較生動...
Hanching Chung 新譯本完全採思高本:在起初已有聖言,聖言與天主同在,聖言就是天主。
Kuohsun Shih 思高本這幾句完全喪失符號學者的味道...
hanching:但求一致,頁54 "...守護天主的聖言。"
"We live for books."
--from "The Name of the Rose" (1980)
Books are not made to be believed, but to be subjected to inquiry. When we consider a book, we mustn’t ask ourselves what it says but what it means. - The Name of the Rose
What is love? There is nothing in the world, neither man nor Devil nor any thing, that I hold as suspect as love, for it penetrates the soul more than any other thing. Nothing exists that so fills and binds the heart as love does. Therefore, unless you have those weapons that subdue it, the soul plunges through love into an immense abyss. ― The Name of the Rose
"We live for books."
--from "The Name of the Rose" (1980)
Books are not made to be believed, but to be subjected to inquiry. When we consider a book, we mustn’t ask ourselves what it says but what it means. - The Name of the Rose
What is love? There is nothing in the world, neither man nor Devil nor any thing, that I hold as suspect as love, for it penetrates the soul more than any other thing. Nothing exists that so fills and binds the heart as love does. Therefore, unless you have those weapons that subdue it, the soul plunges through love into an immense abyss. ― The Name of the Rose
彭淮凍的《浮士德博士》的導讀和779個注解,可以幫助讀者了解和研究。譬如說,注解原文的音樂學論點是採用Adorno的,例如注81和415等。譯注也可當成索引,了解《聖經》和莎士比亞作品的影響:譬如說重要的 比較Love's Labour's Lost in Doctor Faustus、《暴風雨》《、十四行詩集》等等。http://hctranslations.blogspot.tw/2015/04/blog-post_12.html
彭淮凍的《浮士德博士》的導讀和779個注解,可以幫助讀者了解和研究。譬如說,注解原文的音樂學論點是採用Adorno的,例如注81和415等。譯注也可當成索引,了解《聖經》和莎士比亞作品的影響:譬如說重要的 比較Love's Labour's Lost in Doctor Faustus、《暴風雨》《、十四行詩集》等等。http://hctranslations.blogspot.tw/2015/04/blog-post_12.html
這個城市的精神---sit venia verbo! 341---其天真至於愚蠢的生命情調,這個自我耽溺的卡布亞342在藝術上對刺激感官的裝飾與嘉年華風味的偏愛,和他這個.....必定始終格格不入。
hc:Wikipedia的英譯比較清楚:may there be forgiveness for the word. Similar to the English idiom "pardon my French".
(if you'll) excuse (or pardon) my French
phrase of French
informalused to apologize for swearing.
註 342: Capua 義大利拿坡里北方二十多公里.....歷經好幾個繁華奢靡時期。
昨天:謝謝江老師。的確是好消息 (對漫步文化)。本月22日有討論會,有興趣的朋友可參加:http://hclectures.blogspot.tw/2015/03/blog-post_24.html