《建築評論論文集-現代建築與歷史變遷》田園城市│施植明, Alan Colquho│1998
頁48 著名論文 Meditation on a Hobby Horse 翻譯錯誤
這是E. H.. Gombrich 的一篇很有名的論文有數種漢譯通常文"木馬沉思記" 而不是詩先生所譯的"對癖好的沉思" 因為原作者文中很明白指出.....參考"Deridada" ,dada, hobby horse
Meditations On a Hobby Horse and Other Essays On the Theory of Art [Paperback] E.H. Gombrich (Author)
Meditations On a Hobby Horse and Other Essays / On...
A tipple before bedtime may get you off to sleep faster but it can disrupt your night’s slumber.
The famous verse 4 of Psalm 121, rendered in the King James Version as "Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep," 看,那保護以色列者,不打盹也不會睡著。