2020年3月14日 星期六

古德明談 An Outcast of the Islands By Joseph Conrad 一段

An Outcast of the Islands

Joseph Conrad - 2009 - ‎Literary Collections
For the first time in many months the East Coast slept unseen by the stars under a veil of motionless cloud that, driven before the first breath of the rainy ... At the sun's disappearance below the western horizon, the immense cloud, in quickened motiongrappled with the glow of retreating light, and rolling down to the clear and jagged outline of the distant mountainshung arrested above the steaming forestshanging lowsilent and menacing over the unstirring tree-tops; withholding the ...


Google 機械翻譯:在太陽從西邊的地平線消失時,巨大的雲團以加速的運動,與退縮的光線交織在一起,滾落到遠處山脈的清晰鋸齒狀的輪廓上,掛在蒸騰的森林上方。 低垂而沉默,險惡地籠罩著不動的樹梢; 阻止雨水的祝福,護理雷雨的憤怒


翻譯千古事 - 古德明 | 蘋果日報 | 果籽 | 名采 | 20200314
嶺南大學翻譯系助理教授白立平在三月分《明報月刊》有《翻譯千古事》一文,盛稱中文大學翻譯系榮休教授金聖華譯筆「刻意存真,典雅可誦」,並舉其翻譯英文小說家康拉德(Joseph Conrad)一段文字為例,讀後令人浩歎。
(At the sun's disappearance below the western horizon, the immense cloud, in quickened motion, grappled with the glow of retreating light, and rolling down to the clear and jagged outline of the distant mountains, hung arrested above the steaming forests; hanging low, silent and menacing over the unstirring tree-tops, withholding the blessing of rain, nursing the wrath of its thunder)。」
按「揪住落日餘輝」應是說「不許餘輝散去」,但原文grappled意思是「搏鬥」,引伸解作「力圖戰勝」;withholding the blessing of rain即「(雲層)帶雨而不下」,並非「(雲層)制止了(正在下降的)雨水」,而且「雨水的祝福」那樣的譯法太過拘泥原文,讀來也不易明白。試改譯如下,供讀者比較:「紅日甫落西山,雲海舒捲轉快,湧前遮掩餘輝,壓向嶙峋突兀輪廓分明的遠山,低垂在水氣蒸騰的森林之上,樹梢紋風不動,雲層也紋風不動,默默蓄勢待發,未降霖霖好雨,先孕育霹靂暴雷。」
電郵 :appledailykoo@gmail.com
