2019年7月15日 星期一

第3章 黑體字處楊比鵬好點 myrmidon 出處' The golden tree of life is green,’ Totally anaemic,all the same

 he was preparing to enter the firm of Tunder and Wilms, 
as volunteer apprentice,
unsalaried engineering-in-training  
第3章 黑體字處楊比鵬好點
“ Cousins? ” the Hofrat asked, motioning with his hand from 
one to the other of the two young men and looking at them with 
his bloodshot eyes. “ Is he going to follow the drums like you? ” 
he addressed Joachim, jerking his head at Hans Castorp. “God 
forbid, eh? I could tell as soon as I saw you ” — he spoke now 
directly to the young man — “that you were a layman; there’s 
something civilian and comfortable about you, not like our sabre- 
rattling corporal here! You’d be a better patient than he is, I’ll 
wager. I can tell by looking at people, you know, whether they’ll 
make good patients or not; it takes talent, everything takes talent 
— and this myrmidon here hasn’t a spark. Maybe he shows up 
on the parade-ground, for aught I know; but he’s no good at 
being ill. Will you believe it, he’s always wanting to clear out! 
Badgers me all the time, simply can’t wait to get down there and 
be skinned alive. There’s doggedness for you! Won’t give us even 
a measly half-a-year! And yet it’s quite pretty up here; I leave 
it to you if it isn’t, Ziemssen, what? . . . Well, your cousin will 
appreciate us, even if you don’t. He’ll get some fun out of it. 
There’s no shortage in the lady market here, either; we have the 
most charming females. At least, some of them are very pictur- 
esque on the outside. But you ought to have better colour your- 
self, you know, if you want to please the sex. 4 The golden tree 
of life is green,’ as the poet says — but it’s a poor colour for the 



complexion, all the same. Totally anaemic, of course,” he broke 
off, and without more ado put up his index and middle fingers and 
drew down Hans Castorp’s eyelid. “ Precisely! Totally anaemic, 
as I was saying. You know it wasn’t such a bad idea of yours 
to let your native Hamburg shift for itself awhile. Great insti- 
tution, Hamburg — simply revels in humidity — sends us a tidy 
contingent every year. But if I may take the occasion to give 
you the benefit of my poor opinion — sine pectmia , you under- 
stand, quite sine pecuma — \ would suggest that you do just as 
your cousin does, while you are up here. Y >u couldn’t turn a 
better trick than to behave for the time as though you had 
a slight tuberculosis pidmonwn , and put on a little flesh. It’s curi- 
ous about the metabolism of protein with us up here. Although 
the process of combustion is heightened, yet the body at the same 
time puts on flesh. — Well, Ziemssen, slept pretty well, what? . . . 
Splendid! Then get on with the out-of-doors exercise — but not 
more than half an hour, you hear^ 5 And afterwards stick the quick- 
silver cigar in your face, eh? And be good and write it down, 
Ziemssen! That’s a conscientious lad! Saturday I’ll look at the 
curve. Your cousin better measure too. Measuring can’t hurt any- 
body. Morning, gentlemen. Have a good time — morning — morn- 
ing — ” Krokowski joined him as he sailed off down the hall, 
swinging his arms palms backward, directing to right and left 
the question about sleeping well, which was answered on all sides 
in the affirmative. 

The Myrmidons (or Myrmidones Μυρμιδόνες) were an ancient nation of Greek mythology. In Homer's Iliad, the Myrmidons are the soldiers commanded by Achilles. Their eponymous ancestor was Myrmidon, a king of Phthiotis who was a son of ...

all the same

C1 despite what has just been said:
It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a good time all the same.
