2017年4月19日 星期三

中國的翻譯之政治考量,真嚇人。「聚焦審查」(Index on Censorship) ;Charles Dodgson的姓讀法

本周六2017.4.22 【漢清講堂】:記念 Le Corbusier 130歲
要介3.   Le Corbusier 130歲:談其1911壯遊:Journey to the East /The Voyage to the East)


英文版第77頁談土耳其的"新憲法" new constitution (1909: Revisions to the 1876 constitution,詳下),中國版竟然翻譯成"新建設"。


Journey to the East

Front Cover
MIT Press, 1987 - Architecture - 270 pages
This is the legendary travel diary that the 24-year-old Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) kept during his first journey through central and eastern Europe. In a flood of highly personal impressions and visual notations, it records his first contact with the vernacular architecture that would preoccupy him for the rest of his life and with the monuments he most admired, the mosque complexes, the Acropolis, and the Parthenon. "'Very often, I left the Acropolis burdened by a heavy premonition, not daring to imagine that one day I would have to create.' Such words, are moving from any aspiring architect; from Le Corbusier they are an inspiration."-- "Progessive Architecture An this centenary year 1987 of his birth, many books are being published about Le Corbusier but none offers more insight into his character than this book from his own hand ... Every designer speculates at one time or another just what attributes other than talent are needed for success. In the case of the young Le Corbusier this travel journal reveals... extraordinary ego, energy, curiosity, and passion."-- "Interior Design Ivan Zaknic, the editor and translator, is Associate Professor of Architecture at Lehigh University.


Constitutional history of Turkey

BBC 中文網(繁體)
流亡日本的中國異議漫畫家「變態辣椒」周三(4月19日)獲得英國團體「聚焦審查」(Index on Censorship)的國際言論自由獎。 http://bbc.in/2oXFSTh

挖開兔子洞 Well into the Rabbit Hole

英國人的姓名、地名發音有時不能照字面猜,例如足球明星David Beckham一般譯為貝克漢,其實h不發音,不能譯成"漢"。
路易斯‧卡洛爾的原名Charles Dodgson的姓也長期困擾譯界。趙元任在1922年譯為 "道基孫"、台灣陳榮彬(2016)譯為 "道吉森",大陸的許若青(2016)譯為 "道奇森",顯然都把Dodgson中的g讀如 "基"或 "奇" 音,其實按照文學人物姓名專家Ralph H. Emerson的說明,Dodgson家人表示 g不發音,應讀如 "Dodson" (According to Ralph H. Emerson, an expert on the pronunciation of literary names, Dodgson and his family preferred a silent g, as if the name were spelled Dodson. "His niece wrote to the BBC to say so a lng time ago, after hearing it mispronounced on one of their radio shows,").
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (/ˈtʃɑːrlz ˈlʌtwɪdʒ ˈdɒdsən/)

Hanching Chung BBC Pronouncing Dictionary of British Names:"Dodgson" 有三種發音,Emerson先生說的,屬第3種。
挖開兔子洞 Well into the Rabbit Hole 雖有3種發音,但依據 "名從主人" 的原則,Emerson先生說的有道哩,以其家人選定發音為準。

hanching 我看錯了:BBC Pronouncing Dictionary of British Names:"Dodgson" 只有二種發音,Emerson先生說的,屬第2種,也是該字典說的:Charles Dodgson獨此音。作曲家Stephen Dodgson 的姓,則讀另一讀法。
