小注《20世紀的書 「精微的瘋狂」篇》的翻譯
James Joyce's Amazing Chronicle By Dr. JOSEPH COLLINS(May 28, 1922,http://www.nytimes.com/
50 Years After Bloomsday By SEAN O'FAOLAIN (June 13, 1954 http://www.nytimes.com/books/
我先注意到下段中的tour de force翻譯得與我原先了解的「令人佩服的精心傑作」(an achievement or performance which shows great skill and attracts admiration)不同,認為翻譯錯誤:「……在一百人中,
Finally, I venture a prophecy: Not ten men or women out of a hundred can read "Ulysses" through, and of the ten who succeed in doing so, five of them will do it as a tour de force. I am probably the only person, aside from the author, that has ever read it twice from beginning to end. I have learned more psychology and psychiatry from it than I did in ten years at the Neurological Institute. There are other angles at which "Ulysses" can be viewed profitably, but they are not many.
後來我覺得我的了解可能有錯,查 tour de force字面意義 feat of strength,字典說:「絕技、特技、壯舉、絕妙表演」,
"…If personality is the sum total of all one's experiences, all one's thoughts and emotions, inhibitions and liberations, acquisitions and inheritances, then it may be truthfully said "Ulysses" comes nearer to being the perfect revelation of a personality than any book in existence. Rousseau's "Confessions," Amiel's "Diary," Bashkirtseff's vaporings and Cassanova's "Memoirs" are first readers compared with it. "作者大膽剖白,誠實的程度令人咋舌。盧騷的《懺悔錄》、
這方面,Peter Gay《史尼茨勒的世紀;布爾喬亞經驗一百年》(梁永安譯,
【Peter Gay:「不過,在把日記看成了一個朋友這一點上,
(我跟梁永安先生說 我因為讀過梁宗岱先生的百來字 Amiel 的翻譯 才可能知道 Amiel的文風與深度......)