2013年6月22日 星期六


 饒宗頤《符號‧初文與字母---漢字樹》(上海書店 ,2000 ,頁186) 的一段英文的漢譯, 讓我懷疑: 是不是饒宗頤先生有點誤會? 翻譯的問題很嚴重:

Some Scholars(sic 按: 我加的,下述"sic"同。) have tried to prove that Chinese picture writing had a common origin with the picture-writing of the ancient Sumerians, that the two system (sic) followed independent lines of development, and that while the Babylonians soon abandoned, in large part, ideographic for phonetic writing, the Chinese stuck to the old System(sic).)

