【談文論譯】翻譯處處是陷阱 building society, bookmaker, cupboard 蘇正隆
★ 在英國常見表格上出現 building society 一欄,那不是指建築協會 (builders association),而是指你的存款賬戶。
在英國 building society 是一種會員制的金融機構,就像台灣的信用合作社。它與銀行主要的不同是採會員制,沒有股票上市 (listed),是一個由社員擁有,由社員選出的人經營,只做存放款,放款對象也只給社員,與銀行能買賣外匯,以及放款給企業不同。
Banks are generally listed on stock exchanges and accountable to stockholders. Building societies, on the other hand, are completely owned by their members, each of whom has a vote.
所以碰到諸如 The Cambridge Building Society, Nationwide Building Society 之類,千萬不要譯成「*劍橋建築/營建協會」、「*全國建築/營建協會」,而是「劍橋信用合作社」、「全國信用合作社」。
★ cupboard (as in Harry Potter) 小儲藏室 (英國)
臺灣一般英漢詞典以及英語課本裡,都把 cupboard 解釋成「碗櫥」。《哈利波特》第一集裡提到哈利波特11歲前與佩妮阿姨(Aunt Petunia)和威農姨丈(Uncle Vernon)住在一起,“Until Harry's 11th birthday, he is forced to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs.” 中譯本譯成「被迫睡在階梯下的碗櫥」,碗櫥怎麼睡人?碗櫥不是應該在廚房嗎?怎麼會在樓梯底下?其實哈利波特是睡在「階梯下的小儲藏室裡」。
在英國,家裡的儲物間叫 cupboard,相當於美國的 closet。
A closet (especially in North American English usage) is an enclosed space, with a door, used for storage.
★ bookmaker不是圖書業者 (publisher/bookseller),是賭注業者,接受賭注的莊家,俗稱「組頭」。英國人除了彩券 (lottery) 以外,賭注的名堂很多,從賭馬到賭足球,甚至哪一球隊下任教練人選是誰,都可以下賭注,稱為 bookmaking。大街小巷到處都可見掛著 bookmaker 招牌的投注站。不知情者還以為是書店或印書的地方呢。bookmaker 口語裡常簡稱 bookie。美國大部分地方賭博是非法的,他們的 bookmaking 以球賽或賽馬為主,賭六合彩之類押數字的賭注則稱為 numbers。
★ confidence man,也簡稱為 con man 是騙子,不是「*信得過的人」。
He became a noted confidence man and swindler in his later years.
★ conscientious worker 做事很認真,有些辭典把它誤譯為「*誠實的工人」。
★ criminal conversation 通姦 (adultery),不是「*犯罪的通話」。
Historically, many cultures considered criminal conversation a very serious crime,
some subject to severe punishment.
★ common law marriage 常見直譯為「*普通法婚姻」,其實就是同居,common law spouses 就是同居配偶。Common law marriage is an alternative to traditional marriage. Instead of obtaining a marriage license, a man and woman who live together and “intend to be married” can become common law spouses. Also known as non-ceremonial marriage, informal marriage, de facto marriage.
(Jerome Su, April 23, 2024)