2024年4月5日 星期五

philosopher's stone ;林語堂先生翻譯的賣花女"Pygmalion"開場白:林語堂先生譯本錯誤;楊憲益夫婦的翻譯本此處是對的......

Pygmalion (play) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw, named after a Greek mythological character. It was first presented on stage to the public in 1912. Professor of ...

"Pygmalion" is a play written by George Bernard Shaw that was first performed in 1913. It tells the story of a phonetics professor, Henry Higgins, who makes a bet that he can transform a Cockney flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, into a refined lady by teaching her how to speak and act like a member of the upper class. Here is a summary and analysis of the play:
### Summary:
1. **Introduction:** The play opens with Henry Higgins, a linguistic expert, encountering Eliza Doolittle, a poor flower girl with a strong Cockney accent. He boasts that he can change her speech and manners to the extent that she can pass as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.
2. **Training and Transformation:** Higgins takes Eliza under his wing, along with his friend Colonel Pickering, and begins her transformation. Through rigorous training, Eliza learns proper pronunciation, grammar, and etiquette.
3. **Social Experiments:** As Eliza's transformation progresses, she experiences social challenges and successes. She struggles with identity issues and the expectations placed on her as she navigates interactions with the upper class.
4. **The Ambassador's Party:** The climax of the play is the ambassador's garden party, where Eliza successfully passes as a refined lady, impressing everyone with her speech and manners.
5. **Resolution:** After the party, Eliza confronts Higgins about her future, realizing that she has become independent and doesn't need him anymore. She leaves his home, determined to create her own path in life.
### Analysis:
1. **Social Class and Identity:** "Pygmalion" explores themes of social class and identity. Eliza's transformation highlights how speech and manners can shape one's social standing and identity. The play questions the rigid class structures of society and challenges the idea that one's birth determines their worth.
2. **Gender Roles:** The play also touches on gender roles, as Eliza challenges traditional expectations placed on women. Her journey from a flower girl to a confident, independent woman showcases the complexities of gender dynamics and empowerment.
3. **Language and Power:** Higgins' role as a linguistic expert reflects the power dynamics associated with language. His ability to transform Eliza's speech underscores how language can be used as a tool of empowerment or control.
4. **Character Development:** The characters undergo significant development throughout the play. Eliza's transformation is not just physical but also psychological, as she gains confidence and self-awareness. Higgins, on the other hand, remains largely unchanged, highlighting his flaws and limitations despite his expertise.
Overall, "Pygmalion" is a thought-provoking play that delves into societal norms, identity, and the power of language in shaping individuals' lives. It continues to be relevant today, sparking discussions about social mobility, self-discovery, and the complexities of human relationships.

BBC News
We thought this looked fun - a building that seems to be "floating" in the middle of London: bbc.in/10vNzjY

James Q. Wilson《官僚機構──政府機構的作為及其原因》(Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It)孫艷譯 北京三聯2006頁363
將"點金石" philosopher's stone 翻譯成"哲學家的墓石"
