2018年5月9日 星期三

Dare to be wise! Fillette à la Corbeille Fleurie

  • Of German Character and Art (with Goethe, manifesto of the Sturm und Drang) (1773)



“Dare to be wise! Energy and spirit is needed to overcome the obstacles which indolence of nature as well as cowardice of heart oppose to our instruction. It is not without significance that the old myth makes the goddess of Wisdom emerge fully armed from the head of Jupiter; for her very first function is warlike. Even in her birth she has to maintain a hard struggle with the senses, which do not want to be dragged from their sweet repose. The greater part of humanity is too much harassed and fatigued by the struggle with want, to rally itself for a new and sterner struggle with error. Content if they themselves escape the hard labor of thought, men gladly resign to others the guardianship of their ideas, and if it happens that higher needs are stirred in them, they embrace with a eager faith the formulas which State and priesthood hold in readiness for such an occasion.“ (Friedrich Schiller)

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“敢於明智! 需要精力和精神來克服自然的懶惰和心的怯懦阻礙我們教學的障礙。 古老的神話使智慧女神從木星的頭部全身武裝起來並非毫無意義, 因為她的第一個功能是好戰的。 即使在她出生的時候,她也必須保持與感官的艱苦鬥爭,而這些感官不希望從甜蜜的休息中被拖出去。

評:對資料庫而言,Jupiter 有兩義以上......,其實此處講的是著名的希臘神話:


Athena is "born" from Zeus's forehead as a result of him having swallowed her mother Metis, as he grasps the clothing of Eileithyia on the right; black-figured amphora, 550–525 BC, Louvre.

Athena - Wikipedia

人類的大部分人都因與匱乏的鬥爭而過度騷擾和疲憊,為了與錯誤而進行新的更強大的鬥爭。 如果內容是他們自己擺脫了思想的艱苦勞動,人們很樂意順服別人對自己想法的監護,而且如果事情發生在他們身上的是更高的需求,他們就會熱切地相信國家和神職人員準備好的公式 這樣的場合。“(弗里德里希席勒)


有史以来最昂贵的毕加索作品之一:《拿花篮的少女》(上图)在洛克菲勒家族珍藏拍卖会的第一天晚上以约合7.3亿元人民币的价格被拍下。 Tolga Akmen/EPA, via Shutterstock

• 有史以来最昂贵的毕加索作品之一:《拿花篮的少女》(Fillette à la Corbeille Fleurie,上图)在洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)家族珍藏拍卖会的第一天晚上以1.15亿美元(约合7.3亿元人民币)成交。佳士得(Christie’s)希望本周末的拍卖额能超过10亿美元。

Fillette à la Corbeille Fleurie

Google 翻譯:花籃裡的女孩 Girl in the Flower Basket

