2019年9月18日 星期三

"Memories, Dreams, Reflections Carl Jung" 半段

C. G. Jung 《榮格自傳》pp.303-304


Full text of "Memories, Dreams, Reflections Carl Jung"

When I was working on the stone tablets, I became aware of the 
fateful links between me and my ancestors. I feel very strongly that I 
am under the influence of things or questions which were left 
incomplete and unanswered by my parents and grandparents and 
more distant ancestors. It often seems as if there were an 
impersonal karma within a family, which is passed on from parents 
to children. It has always seemed to me that I had to answer 
questions which fate had posed to my forefathers, and which had 
not yet been answered, or as if I had to complete, or perhaps 
continue, things which previous ages had left unfinished. It is difficult 
to determine whether these questions are more of a personal or 
more of a general (collective) nature. It seems to me that the latter is 
the case. A collective problem, if not recognized as such, always 
appears as a personal problem, and in individual cases may give 
the impression that something is out of order in the realm of the 
personal psyche. The personal sphere is indeed disturbed, but 
such disturbances need not be primary; they may well be 
secondary, the consequence of an insupportable change in the 
social atmosphere. The cause of disturbance is, therefore, not to be 
sought in the personal surroundings, but rather in the collective 
situation. Psychotherapy has hitherto taken this matter far too little 
into account. 
