2018年7月29日 星期日

"_Unser Vater Rhine_" (our father Rhine)


Thomas H. C. Lee 很有趣,是父親河,不像其他語言是用“母親”。

Hanching Chung 查英譯本"_Unser Vater
Rhine_" (our father Rhine) :

Sad as was the childhood of Beethoven, he always treasured a tender
and melancholy memory of the places where it was spent. Though
compelled to leave Bonn, and destined to spend nearly the whole of his
life in the frivolous city of Vienna with its dull environs, he never
forgot the beautiful Rhine valley and the majestic river. "_Unser Vater
Rhine_" (our father Rhine) as he called it, was to him almost human in
its sympathy, being like some gigantic soul whose deep thoughts are
beyond all human reckoning.


Thomas H. C. Lee 是的,很謝謝。德國人很有意思,描述對故國/故鄉/故居的時候,常常用“Vater”,大部分其他的國家都會用母親。聽説希特勒更特別下令,祖國必須用“Vaterland”。你這裡提到的貝多芬典故印證了這個説法。


He was short and thick set, broad shouldered and of athletic build. A
big face, ruddy in complexion--except towards the end of his life, when
his colour became sickly and yellow, especially in the winter after he
had been remaining indoors far from the fields. He had a massive and
rugged forehead, extremely black and extraordinarily thick hair through
which it seemed the comb had never passed, for it was always very
rumpled, veritable bristling "serpents of Medusa."[1]


