2008年3月14日 星期五

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.44

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.44, 2008年3月15日; 2008/1/28 創刊

「迪士尼對於審稿的把關動作讓《小查與寇弟的頂級生活》的譯者更是戰戰兢兢。哈佛人出版社所聘的譯者歐桂伶目前是一位全職媽媽,曾經留美,也曾在當地的中文學 校教導華裔小朋友,回台後並曾任職于電視台與出版社。在翻譯迪士尼這一系列的電視改編小說時,她不僅在文字上字斟句酌,更詳盡地加入注釋,希望可以幫助讀 者銜接文化上的落差。

為什麼這麼強調注釋呢?譯者歐桂伶表示之所以翻譯的每本書都加上注釋,是因為自己每次看或講述翻譯書給孩子聽時,常常 有些書中提到的文化背景並未同時提供解釋,還得自己翻書或上網查資料,所以當她擔任譯者時,就想幫忙和她一樣的讀者或是爸媽,提供進一步的資料在書中,這 時閱讀起來不只輕鬆,也可以學很多知識。」

Peopleware: 腦力密集產業的人才管理之道

湯姆.狄馬克 提摩西.李斯特Peopleware 腦力密集產業的人才管理之道 (Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, 2nd ed.)台北:經濟新潮社,2007

這是重譯本。有索引。書中章節標題如第13章「 雨傘步」(兒童遊戲)等,如果沒有作者幫忙解釋,很少人會懂得它的。

gradient 這字在數學上稱為"梯度"

In my two years at Bell Labs, we worked in two-person offices. They were spacious, quiet, and the phones could be diverted. I shared my office with Wendl Thomis who went on to build a small empire as an electronic toy maker. In those days, he was working on the ESS fault dictionary. The dictionary scheme relied upon the notion of n-space proximity, a concept that was hairy enough to challenge even Wendl's powers of concentration. One afternoon, I was bent over a program listing while Wendl was staring into space, his feet propped up on the desk. Our boss came in and asked, "Wendl! What are you doing?" Wendl said, "I'm thinking." And the boss said, "Can't you do that at home?"

hairy 不是吃重 是極難

proximity 喻空間"接近"而非"近似"hairy

'Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it..' (Henry Ford) 「思考一事至難,或因此世人甚少用腦。」(讀者文摘,1996年7月,p.149))

hc非難:這一翻譯似乎沒法將there is"語氣"表達。它比較像半世紀之後的受過高教之Peter Drucker 的"說法 : 'Thinking is very hard work. And management fashions are a great substitute for thinking.' "譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.43

“Wang Xizhi Watching Geese,” ink and color on a paper scroll, painted around 1295 by Qian Xuan and on view in “Anatomy of a Masterpiece: How to Read Chinese Paintings,” at the Met.

錢選《王羲之觀鵝圖卷/「王右軍観鵞図」》元紙本設色23.1×92.3 公分美國紐約大都會博物館/メトロポリタン美術館 ......





錢選1239年?~1301年?)字舜舉,號玉潭,別號巽峰等,中國元代畫家,吳興(今浙江湖州)人,工青綠山水(blue and green)。錢選- Wikipedia 日文版更豐富:
