2023年6月11日 星期日

譯者:王鴻仁Naked Came I: A Novel of Rodin By David Weiss. The Cathedral Is Dying By Auguste Rodin Contributions by Rachel Corbett

譯者:王鴻仁Naked Came I: A Novel of Rodin  By David Weiss. The Cathedral Is Dying By Auguste Rodin Contributions by Rachel Corbett 
《羅丹傳》│譯者:王鴻仁│楓城出版社 1976

《羅丹傳》│譯者:王鴻仁│楓城出版社. 平裝本:324頁. 出版日期:民國69年9月再版.

Naked Came I: A Novel of Rodin

Naked Came I portrays Rodin as driven to be an artist because his temperament would allow him to be nothing else. It shows him as a friend with other Parisian artists such as Edgar Degas, Auguste Renoir, Édouard Manet, and those of the Second French Empire associated with the Salon des Refusés: they were generally outside the Paris art establishment, and had been refused admission to the École des Beaux Arts.
This book was published in 1963, is 624 pages long, and was selected for reading by a member of my art book club.


(希)尼科斯·卡贊扎基斯(Nikos Kazantzakis) 著王鴻仁譯外國現當代文學文學外語教學與研究出版社.

發問的智慧遠流, 1985
作者: 桑德(Dr. R. B. Sund),卡林(A. Carin)著 , 王鴻仁譯. : 1991.

歷史的教訓/ 王鴻仁.廖朝陽譯
作者:Neustadt, Richard E.

Trained as a theologian. David thinks about God… all the time. Whether as a father or grandfather, college instructor or Sunday School teacher, poet or writer, he seeks to imagine God in ways that are helpful and hopeful. In this book he brings insights from seminary and graduate school into a story that is deceptively simple and simply profound.

Other books by David WeissItems 1 to 5 of 19

Sacred and Profane: A Novel of the Life and Times of Mozart
David Weiss

When God Was a Little Girl
David Weiss

I, Rembrandt: A Novel
David Weiss

خاکی و آسمانی: سرگذشت آمادئوس موزار جلد ٢
David Weiss

Holocaust Underground
David Weiss



About The Book

Master sculptor Auguste Rodin’s illuminating writings on cathedrals in France are especially relevant and significant following the recent fire at Notre Dame.

In this volume, the writer and Rodin scholar Rachel Corbett selects excerpts from the famous sculptor’s book Cathedrals of France, first published in 1914, just before the outbreak of World War I. Cathedrals were central to the way Rodin thought about his art: he saw them as visual metaphors for the human figure, among the finest examples of craftsmanship known to modern man, and as a model for how to live and work—slowly, brick by brick.

Here, Corbett takes the fire at Notre Dame and the concerns over its restoration as an entry point in an exploration of Rodin's cathedrals. Rodin adamantly opposed restoration, as he felt it often did more damage than the original injury. (Many of the cathedrals that Rodin looks at in his texts were, in fact, bombed during the war.) But while he rails against various restoration efforts as evidence that “we are letting our cathedrals die,” the book, with its tenderly rendered sketches and written portraits, is itself an attempt to preserve these cathedrals. The selection of texts in this volume is a reminder—as is the tragedy of Notre Dame—of why we ought to appreciate these feats of architecture, whether or not they are still standing today.

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