Lose (something) in translation - Merriam-Webster › lose ...
: to fail to have the same meaning or effectiveness when it is translated into another language Something must have gotten lost in translation because the joke ...
彭淮棟 《美的歷史 》 聯經,2006. "Editor",採用 "編著" 說法。
Now in paperback, Umberto Eco’s groundbreaking and much-acclaimed first illustrated book has been a critical success since its first publication in 2004. What is beauty? Umberto Eco, among Italy’s finest and most important contemporary thinkers, explores the nature, the meaning, and the very history of the idea of beauty in Western culture. The profound and subtle text is lavishly illustrated with abundant examples of sublime painting and sculpture and lengthy quotations from writers and philosophers. This is the first paperback edition of History of Beauty, making this intellectual and philosophical journey with one of the world’s most acclaimed thinkers available in a more compact and affordable format.

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Leo Damrosch
The Club: Johnson, Boswell, and the Friends Who Shaped an Age Tapa dura – 26 Marzo 2019
de Leo Damrosch (Author)
重返昨日世界:從塞繆爾·約翰遜到亞當·斯密,一群塑造時代的人 › products
書名:重返昨日世界:從塞繆爾·約翰遜到亞當·斯密,一群塑造時代的人,語言:簡體中文,ISBN:9787559847935,頁數:554,出版社:廣西師範大學出版社,作者:(美)利 ...
出版社: 廣西師範大學出版社
作者: (美)利奧·達姆羅施
出版日期: 2022/05/21
譯者: 葉麗賢 › lose ...
: to fail to have the same meaning or effectiveness when it is translated into another language Something must have gotten lost in translation because the joke ...
Lost in translation - Idioms by The Free Dictionary › los...
Of a word or words, having lost or lacking the full subtlety of meaning or significance when translated from the original language to another, ...
彭淮棟 《美的歷史 》 聯經,2006. "Editor",採用 "編著" 說法。
Now in paperback, Umberto Eco’s groundbreaking and much-acclaimed first illustrated book has been a critical success since its first publication in 2004. What is beauty? Umberto Eco, among Italy’s finest and most important contemporary thinkers, explores the nature, the meaning, and the very history of the idea of beauty in Western culture. The profound and subtle text is lavishly illustrated with abundant examples of sublime painting and sculpture and lengthy quotations from writers and philosophers. This is the first paperback edition of History of Beauty, making this intellectual and philosophical journey with one of the world’s most acclaimed thinkers available in a more compact and affordable format.
《醜的歷史 》,處理方式類似。可是

Seguir al autor
Leo Damrosch
The Club: Johnson, Boswell, and the Friends Who Shaped an Age Tapa dura – 26 Marzo 2019
de Leo Damrosch (Author)
《重返昨日世界 The Club》
重返昨日世界:從塞繆爾·約翰遜到亞當·斯密,一群塑造時代的人 › products
書名:重返昨日世界:從塞繆爾·約翰遜到亞當·斯密,一群塑造時代的人,語言:簡體中文,ISBN:9787559847935,頁數:554,出版社:廣西師範大學出版社,作者:(美)利 ...
出版社: 廣西師範大學出版社
作者: (美)利奧·達姆羅施
出版日期: 2022/05/21
譯者: 葉麗賢
The story of the group of extraordinary eighteenth-century writers, artists, and thinkers who gathered weekly at a London tavern
Named one of the 10 Best Books of 2019 by the New York Times Book Review • A Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2019 • A Kirkus Best Book of 2019
“Damrosch brings the Club’s redoubtable personalities—the brilliant minds, the jousting wits, the tender camaraderie—to vivid life.”—New York Times Book Review
“Magnificently entertaining.”—Washington Post
In 1763, the painter Joshua Reynolds proposed to his friend Samuel Johnson that they invite a few friends to join them every Friday at the Turk’s Head Tavern in London to dine, drink, and talk until midnight. Eventually the group came to include among its members Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, Edward Gibbon, and James Boswell. It was known simply as “the Club.”
In this captivating book, Leo Damrosch brings alive a brilliant, competitive, and eccentric cast of characters. With the friendship of the “odd couple” Samuel Johnson and James Boswell at the heart of his narrative, Damrosch conjures up the precarious, exciting, and often brutal world of late eighteenth‑century Britain. This is the story of an extraordinary group of people whose ideas helped to shape their age, and our own.
The Bacchae by Euripides
2008/8/14 日與彭老師談 智慧 vs 機智 等
Page 30
Named one of the 10 Best Books of 2019 by the New York Times Book Review • A Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2019 • A Kirkus Best Book of 2019
“Damrosch brings the Club’s redoubtable personalities—the brilliant minds, the jousting wits, the tender camaraderie—to vivid life.”—New York Times Book Review
“Magnificently entertaining.”—Washington Post
In 1763, the painter Joshua Reynolds proposed to his friend Samuel Johnson that they invite a few friends to join them every Friday at the Turk’s Head Tavern in London to dine, drink, and talk until midnight. Eventually the group came to include among its members Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, Edward Gibbon, and James Boswell. It was known simply as “the Club.”
In this captivating book, Leo Damrosch brings alive a brilliant, competitive, and eccentric cast of characters. With the friendship of the “odd couple” Samuel Johnson and James Boswell at the heart of his narrative, Damrosch conjures up the precarious, exciting, and often brutal world of late eighteenth‑century Britain. This is the story of an extraordinary group of people whose ideas helped to shape their age, and our own.
《酒神》(Bacchae)"Wisdom is not cleverness."「不要誤以為你的機智就是智慧。」
Deming 博士(1900-1993)是老式的學者,他的著作,不管是統計學的或管理學的書,在各章章前都有"題辭"(epigraphs)。這些,給讀者復習或深思的題材。不過,這對喜好追根究柢的人兩大挑戰:
一. 讀者確切知道該章"題辭"(epigraph)所對應的章旨嗎?
二. "題辭"(epigraph) 的上下文是什麼呢?
二. "題辭"(epigraph) 的上下文是什麼呢?
多年前,我要找下述"題辭",卻找不到;Euripides著《戴神的女信徒》(The Bacchae),胡耀恆,胡宗文譯---根據希臘文文翻譯,而Deming 博士則根據英譯本,不過我沒去查英譯本的出處:
2008/8/14 日與彭老師談 智慧 vs 機智 等。
重讀自己翻譯的Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming (1986)
Appendix: Transformation inJapan 後記 日本為什麼能?
TE DIONYSUS, THE GOD; _son of Zeus and of the Theban princess Semelê_.
CADMUS, _formerly King of Thebes, father of Semelê_.
TEIRESIAS, _an aged Theban prophet_.參考羅念生翻譯的『酒神的伴侶』 和Gutenberg收的英文本都找不到…….
重讀自己翻譯的Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming (1986)
Appendix: Transformation in
TE DIONYSUS, THE GOD; _son of Zeus and of the Theban princess Semelê_.
CADMUS, _formerly King of Thebes, father of Semelê_.
TEIRESIAS, _an aged Theban prophet_.參考羅念生翻譯的『酒神的伴侶』
2007年起,有一齣精彩戲劇---根據 Ian Ruffell 的直譯本之The Bacchae 在英美兩國上演,參考許多相關戲評和訪問記:
I came across some lines that resonated very strongly with me. In the chorus, the Bacchae sing a hymn to the good things that come of accepting Dionysus and warn of what happens to those who don't. In the middle of this song, they sing: "To sophon d'ou sophia." It's a piece of Euripidean wordplay that Ian Ruffell, in the literal translation I adapted for the National Theatre of Scotland production, rendered as: "Wisdom is not cleverness."
戴神的女信徒T he Bacchae
胡耀恆、胡宗文◎譯注 2003The Bacchae by Euripides
2008/8/14 日與彭老師談 智慧 vs 機智 等
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