2007年9月30日 星期日




受教: 接受他人的教誨。戰國策˙魏策四:信陵君曰:無忌謹受教文選˙任昉˙到大司馬記室牋:況昉受教君子,將二十年。

昔日hc翻譯Herbert Simon 諾貝爾經濟學獎代表作『管理行為』(台北:華人戴明學院)時,將關鍵字 docility 翻譯成「可訓練性 或易教化」(pp.108-10 與305/307)。現在覺得或許該翻譯成「受教能力」......

2007年9月29日 星期六


現在重讀幾年前的中文翻譯OED的故事--人類史上最浩大的編纂工程 The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary
作者:賽門溫契斯特Simon Winchester;譯者::林秀梅

才覺得台灣編輯的誇大:OED是否為 人類史上最浩大的編纂工程呢?這應該是見仁見智的。

這樣,反而把原書的標題「界定天下所有事物之意義」忽略了。編纂工程 有許多層次,OED是英文世界中很了不起。這好玩的是這工程 開始是由一人獨立完成的。



記下2007年9月28日Simon University 一些朋友談佛陀悟道的菩提樹要如何翻譯

梁: "各位兄弟父老,以下的descendant一詞我想破頭都想不出譯法,可否借用各位智慧。

Jack traveled to Boda Gaya, a tiny village in the north of India that is the site of the historical Buddha's enlightenment. A descendant of the origin bodhi tree, under which the Buddha sat when he achieved his awakening, still thrives in the village."

hc曰: "......至於佛祖頓悟的那棵菩提樹已經圓寂了,目前在原地重栽,枝葉茂密的菩提樹,是19世紀從斯里蘭卡切枝移植而來的,四週外圍佈滿經文的大理石護欄 (請看上面第一二張照片) ,內圍則是一圈佛相神龕,至於入口處有一涼亭,重建了2500年前佛祖對5 位弟子說法的實況。......."






畢缽羅是梵語 पिप्पल (pippala ) 之音譯。........"

2007年9月27日 星期四




Resuming their journey, Frieda and Lawrence finally arrived in the USA
in September 1922. Here they encountered Mabel Dodge Luhan, a
prominent socialite, and considered establishing a utopian community
on what was then known as the 160-acre Kiowa Ranch near
Taos, New
. Lawrence and Frieda acquired the property, now called the
D.H.Lawrence Ranch, in 1924 in exchange for the manuscript of Sons and
Lovers. By all accounts
Lawrence loved this ranch high up in the
mountains, the only home that he ever owned. He stayed in
New Mexico
for two years, with extended visits to
Lake Chapala and Oaxaca in

Frieda Lawrence
1879-1956,勞倫斯妻子】《不是我,是勞倫斯妻子回憶勞倫斯》( "Not I, but the Wind...", Rydal/Viking, 1934.),新華出版社,2006

《不是我,是》應該改成:《不是我,是……Not I, but the Wind它被用作歌名……作者Frieda Lawrence是奇人,她的傳記:Janet Byrne: A Genius for Living – A Biography of Frieda Lawrence, Bloomsbury, 1995.


pined in thought,
And with a green and yellow melancholy
She sat like patience on a monument,
Smiling at grief. . . .

Twelfth Night: Act II, scenes iii–iv

學生用的參考書之說法:"Patience on a monument" refers to statues of the allegorical figure of Patience, which often adorned Renaissance tombstones. By comparing her imaginary sister to this stone figure, Viola subtly contrasts her own passion with the self-indulgent and grandiose lovesickness from which Orsino claims to suffer.



Do not stand at my grave and weep is a popular poem, largely considered to be written by Mary Elizabeth Frye (1904-2004), but of disputed origin.

[edit] The Text

An early version, printed by others on postcards:

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

Her later confirmed version:

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.

The poem is made up of six (or sometimes eight) rhyming couplets. Various versions exist but, with the bulk of the work being made up of a selection of images preceded by "I am...", the sense is largely the same. The poem addresses the reader/ audience with the voice of a deceased person, invoking quite spiritual — but not specifically religious — imagery. According to the most generally accepted theory, that of Frye's writing the poem, it was originally addressed to a German Jewish girl, a friend of the author. The girl's mother had died back in her homeland, but returning to pay her respects was not possible and Frye wrote the poem as part of her condolences. The text soothes the addressee, reassuring of the deceased's life after death in both its message and its voice, and as such has become very popular poem, and a common reading for funerals.

[edit] Origins

There is some ambiguity as to the poem's writer, and it was neither published nor copyrighted by Frye, although she was the only living person to credibly claim its authorship. Frye is near universally cited as the author, and her literary significance is based almost entirely upon it, but other sources, including traditional native American origins, have been suggested over the years.

[edit] External links

Musical Version

YouTube - 千の風になって

Add Video to QuickList. sen no kaze ni natte 千の風になって ...
Hide video - 4 min 16 sec - Rated 4.7 out of 5.0


(b) の日本語訳の例




[編集] 派生作品


この詩を新井満が日本語に訳し、曲をつけたもの。第57回NHK紅白歌合戦ではテノール歌手・秋川雅史がこの歌を熱唱し多くの人々に感動を与えた。その後問い合わせが殺到、2007年1月22日付のオリコン総合チャートで1位を獲得した。詳しくは千の風になって (秋川雅史)を参照。

[編集] 外部リンク

2007年9月25日 星期二

Smile Shutter

所以下文關於Sony數位相機的新機能Smile Shutter都不譯

━━ n., vt. (普通pl.よろい(鎧)戸[雨戸](をつける,をしめる); (オルガンの)開閉器; 【写】シャッター.
put up the shutters よろい戸を閉める; 店をしめる; 店をやめる.
shutter・bug 〔米話〕 写真マニア.

shutter (WINDOW COVER) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a wooden cover on the outside of a window which prevents light or heat from going into a room or heat from leaving it:
Shutters usually come in pairs and are hung like doors on hinges.

2 a metal covering which protects the windows and entrance of a shop from thieves when it is closed

Shops are closed and shuttered on Sundays.


笑容啟動快門的數位相機 “可愛笑容”展現新的美麗

DATE 2007/09/26 印刷用網頁
  【日經BP社報導】 新力為2007年9月4日發表的數位相機“DSC-T200”和“DSC-T70”舉辦了面向媒體的體驗活動。該產品最大的特點是通過檢測笑容自動拍照的 “Smile Shutter”功能。拍照時不會錯過“笑容”這一最佳拍攝時機。對於配備該功能的理由,新力數位影像業務本部軟體技術部門相機控制部第3小組的小川要 說:“誰都希望笑著拍照。‘Smile Shutter’聽起來是不是很像哆啦A夢口袋中的寶貝?”因為面部檢測技術已確立,新力認為時機已經成熟,因而開發了這一功能。

  Smile Shutter功能的使用過程如下。首先,在拍攝模式中選擇Smile Shutter,把相機對著被拍照人,在面部檢測結束後,長按快門。之後,相機會檢測出笑容,自動按下快門。每檢測出一次笑容快門按動一次,拍攝6張照片 後該功能結束。希望在拍攝6張之前結束時需長按快門一次。

  新力在開發該功能時,分析了全球各地人們的笑容。利用超級電腦,通過“嘴角”、“牙”、“笑紋”、“眼”、“臉頰”等部分的笑容特徵,分析人 的笑容,並將其數值化。該功能能夠根據這一分析結果,對數位相機準備拍攝的是否是笑容進行判斷,從而啟動快門。從利用CCD影像檢測出笑容,到按動快門拍 攝照片大約在0.3秒以內,這一時間與環境照度有關。根據筆者的親身體驗,當發現被拍照人的笑容時照片已經拍攝完畢。

  在此次的體驗活動中,參與CM拍攝的香椎由宇、Mary Ann響、松田翔太、渡邊哲等4位出場亮相,談了CM拍攝中使用具有這一功能的產品的感受。香椎手持紅色的DSC-T200說:“現在也忍不住想(使用 Smile Shutter功能)拍照片。拍攝過程非常有趣。拍到笑容令人很有滿足感。”。渡邊強調了該功能的奇妙之處:“我用生氣和微笑的表情做了實驗,即使只有嘴 角在笑,快門也會按下”。同時還表示通過在自拍時使用該功能,“拍到了自己都沒見過的可愛笑容。能夠幫助你發現自己都沒見過的美麗”。

  此次的2款產品已于2007年9月21日上市。價格為開放式,該公司預計實際零售價格如下:DSC-T200為4.8萬日元左右、DSC-T70為4萬日元左右。(記者:宇野 麻由子)

從 ICAO翻譯說起

或許可以知道它將大寫的Organization翻譯為"機構" 報指可能用"機關"
而企業相關的 多翻譯為"企業或組織"

━━ n. 組織(化する[される]こと), 構成, 編成; 【生物】形成; 体制, 機構, 機関; 団体, 組合, 協会.
or・gan・i・za・tion・al ━━ a.
organizational climate 企業環境[風土], 会社の雰囲気.
organizational control 【コンピュータ】(コンピュータによる)組織管理.
organization chart 【経営】組織図.
organization file 企業[会社]関連資料 ((その企業について印刷された,またはその企業が作成した書類の集積)).
organization man 組織[会社]人間.
organization manual 【経営】企業[会社]便覧.
Organization of American States (the ~) 米州機構 ((米国と中南米諸国が加盟; 略OAS)).
Organization of (Arab) Petroleum Exporting Countries (the ~) (アラブ)石油輸出国機構 ((略 OPEC)).
organization structure 組織構造.

三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典

因應國際民航組織(International Civil Aviation OrganizationICAO)規定,明年三月五日前,全球國際線機師及塔台航管人員須通過航空專業英語考試,才能飛航或導航國際線班機。




日本「基於維護飛行安全, ICAO(國際民航組織)要求全球民航相關飛行和空中交通管制人員2008年達到該組織公佈的英語標準. 這就要求飛行及空管人員具備良好的英語能力, 尤其是扎實的口語(包括聽和說)基礎.


ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization an agency of theUnited Nations,

International Civil Aviation Organization - Wikipedia,.

A New Aviation English Test Speaks Of Pilots' Voices And Aviation ...

管制官に英語試験導入へ 語学力原因の事故防止
75 朝刊





<航空管制官> 全国各地の空港などで離陸から着陸までの全段階を指示する専門職の国家公務員。6月末現在で約1900人おり、うち約1800人が管制塔などでの現場勤務。英語のヒアリングがある航空管制官採用試験か航空保安大学校学生採用試験に合格後、同大学校の研修を経て着任する。管制機関と航空機の間を無線中継で情報を伝達する航空管制通信官や、航空機の運航に必要な情報の収集・提供などを行う航空管制運航情報官も今回の英語試験の対象。

2007年9月23日 星期日


Beatrice Bateson. 是傳主夫人: William Bateson, F. R. S. Naturalist (1928, 1985),


按:Bateson.發音近「貝特遜」。有些西方文化自字眼沒弄清楚--Hercules 之jobs (p.14)和 "Rock of Ages"指基督教之"彼得" (Peter) 而非"有年代之岩石" (p.128)...

2007年9月17日 星期一


10 天前在火車上站著看一為青年苦讀
{台積(電) DNA}
他讀的那頁有幾個英文 都是ALIGN


align phrasal verb [T]
to put two or more things into a straight line:
When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire!
Align the ruler and the middle of the paper and then cut it straight.

alignment Show phonetics
noun [U]
The problem is happening because the wheels are out of alignment with each other.


2007年9月3日 星期一

2007年9月1日 星期六


去年2006-07-05在 Simon University 寫的筆記 ""想像花園中的真實癩蝦蟆:福特汽車公司著名的慘敗新車之命名" (如附錄)

我猜 當時我或許想討論 "inspection"的翻譯

不過更有收穫的 我想應該是重讀
Theory of Literature by R Wellek 相關的部分

我這次還注意到 R Wellek說:
對此Sidney和 Johnson博士回答說

Theory of Literature by R Wellek有一自注: Sidney:"對詩人來說 他什麼也不肯定 因此他從來不說謊"
我想這可能是出自The Defence of Poesy (also known as the An Apology for Poetry)

比較有趣的是 Johnson的 他並沒有注解
幸虧我的Oxford 版的 LIFE OF JOHNSON 有詳細索引

according to Boswell, as to project a work. which would prove "how small a quantity of REAL FICTION there is in the world; ...

不過我不知道Boswell 是否確實根據Johnson對於 Oliver Cromwell 等人傳記已完善的說法....


韋勒克, 沃倫合著
Theory of Literature by R Wellek, A Warren - 1973 - Penguin Books

引美國詩人Moore, Marianne Craig (1887–1972) 的一著名句子【有時誤為另外一詩人之說法:What Elizabeth Bishop well said about poets also applies to novelists: they too place imaginary toads into real gardens. And even the toads ...】:

for inspection :imaginary gardens with real toads in them.



(『文學理論』北京:生活• 讀書• 新知三聯書店,1984 年版;修訂版 『文學理論』江蘇教育,2005,p.248。)

***** 要評這句,似乎要了解整首詩:
Moore’s often-quoted advice in ’Poetry’ was that poets should present for inspection "imaginary gardens with real toads in them".


I, too, dislike it: there are things that are important beyond all this fiddle.
Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in
it after all, a place for the genuine.
Hands that can grasp, eyes
that can dilate, hair that can rise
if it must, these things are important not because a
high-sounding interpretation can be put upon them but because they are
useful. When they become so derivative as to be unintelligible,
the same thing may be said for all of us, that we
do not admire what
we cannot understand: the bat
holding on upside down or in quest of something to
eat, elephants pushing, a wild horse taking a roll, a tireless wolf under
a tree, the immovable critic twitching his skin like a horse that feels a
flea, the base-
ball fan, the statistician–
nor is it valid
to discriminate against ‘business documents and
school-books’; all these phenomena are important. One must make a dis-
however: when dragged into prominence by half poets, the result is not
nor till the poets among us can be
‘literalists of
the imagination’–above
insolence and triviality and can present
for inspection, ‘imaginary gardens with real toads in them’, shall we have
it. In the meantime, if you demand on the one hand,
the raw material of poetry in
all its rawness and
that which is on the other hand
genuine, you are interested in poetry.

Characteristic of her interest in using animals for ironic social commentary is a major verse translation, The Fables of La Fontaine (1954). The brilliant and hilarious "Letters from Me to the Ford Motor Company"--concerning the choice of a product name for what became the Edsel when her suggestions were rejected--shows her semantic mastery and playfulness as well as a profound, multifaceted understanding of the "economy" of words and advertisement in social intercourse. Always honored by younger poets, Moore has recently attracted the wider critical attention of literary historians and feminists.
Edsel consulting
In 1955, Moore was informally invited by Ford’s David Wallace, Manager of Marketing Research for Ford’s proposed "E" car project and co-worker Bob Young for input and suggestions. Wallace’s rationale was "who better to understand the nature of words than a poet."
Moore, a loyal Ford owner, submitted numerous lists which included: "Silver Sword," "Thundercrest" (and "Thundercrester"), "Resilient Bullit," "Intelligent Whale," "Pastelogram," "Adante con Moto" "Varsity Stroke," and "Mongoose Civique." (One name she suggested, "Chaparral", later coincidentally was used for a racing car.) Against the strong objection from her brother, Moore also submitted the name TURCOTINGA, which was a play on the Cotinga (a South American finch) and the color turquoise; however she noted in her letter to Wallace that it was simply a suggestion that if wanted to go in direction of nature, that she had several volumes of works that she could review. In a letter dated December 8th 1955, Moore wrote the following:
Mr Young,
May I submit UTOPIAN TURTLETOP? Do not trouble to answer unless you like it. Marianne Moore
All these outside ideas were rejected, although Miss Moore received two dozen roses and a thank you note affectionately addressed to the Top Turtletop which Moore found amusing. In her reply to Young she regretted that she could not have been more help, and noted that she was looking forward to trying out the vehicle when it was introduced. While Moore’s contributions were meant to stir creative thought, and were not officially authorized or contractual in nature, history has greatly exaggerated her relationship to the project.