2019年2月22日 星期五

cardinal sin:過猶不及

Born in poverty in Shantung, Confucius rose to become a major administrator in his native state. In 496 bc he began a period of wandering with the intention of persuading the various rulers he came among to practice his moral doctrines. Settling once more he became the most celebrated teacher of poetry, history, and moral philosophy of Chinese history. His sayings were collected by pupils in the Lun Yü or Analects, which form the principal source for his philosophy.

too far is as bad as not enough (idiom, from the Analects)

  • 过犹不及

  • 過猶不及

紐約時報  每日一詞 :Cardinal sin | 同性戀神父犯下了什麼“罪”?
耗時兩個月、踏足全美13州,時報記者採訪了20多名同性戀神父,報導了這一群體在天主教會的艱難處境 ,包括早年間公開“出櫃”的格瑞坦神父。一些人指責他鑄下大錯(committed the cardinal sin),打開了人們爭論的大門。
Cardinal sin是天主教中“主罪、大罪”的意思,通常包含代表著教徒重大惡行的“七宗罪”,如今也指廣義上“無法原諒、嚴重的過失”。在這一固定搭配中,cardinal取的是形容詞意,表示“主要的、首要的”;用作名詞時,該詞指協助教宗治理教會的主教。
cardinal sin

Dictionary result for cardinal sin

  1. (in Christian tradition) any of the seven deadly sins.
      a serious error of judgement.

      "he committed the cardinal sin of criticizing his teammates"

The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, is a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings. Behaviours or habits are classified under this category if they directly give birth to other immoralities. Wikipedia

sins, capital :七罪宗;罪源:各種罪惡的源頭,可歸納為七項,即驕傲 pride 、慳吝 covetousness/avarice 、迷色 lust 、貪饕 gluttony 、嫉妒 envy 、忿怒 anger 、懶惰 sloth 。又稱七死罪 deadly sins, seven 

cardinal :樞機;樞機主教;紅衣主教;教廷大臣:樞機本意為樞紐、關鍵、重要之意。樞機主教是教宗之下,教會最高的聖職幕僚,俗稱教會親王。這些才德兼備的教會菁英,是由教宗親自甄選,協助教宗管理普世教會的事務。教宗出缺時,按法律只有他們才有權選舉教宗。因戴紅帽、穿紅衣之故,又稱紅衣主教。共分三級:主教級、司鐸級、執事級(法典 349-350 )。古時曾有俗人擔任樞機者,後來 1917 年公佈的教會法典規定須是神父,實際上現在都由主教擔任。中國歷任的樞機依次為北平總教區田耕莘( 1945 )、南京總教區於斌( 1969 )、香港教區胡振中( 1988 )、上海教區龔品梅( 1991 )、高雄教區單國璽( 1998 )。
